Halloween Night

by Rutland 3rd graders & Mrs. Even


I went trick-or-treating

On Halloween night.

Some things that I saw

Gave me quite a fright!

I saw witches and vampires,

I saw devils, too.

I bumped into goblins,

And ghosts that shrieked, "BOO!"

I saw several clowns

And Mickey the mouse.

I saw scary creatures

In the ol' haunted house.

Some spiders crawled by me,

I saw a black cat.

A huge Jack o' lantern

Got swooped by a bat.

Astronauts, aliens...

Even Bugs Bunny.

I saw Elmer Fudd

Who looked kind of funny.

I ran past a scarecrow

And one dinosaur.

I heard howling wolves

And saw seven more.

I saw the full moon

And hid under a tree,

Tore open the wrappers

And ate my candy.